What’s All This, Then?
This is about the things I’m passionate about: good design and smoked meats… and homebrewing, wood working, leathercraft, and electronics. Throw is a little pondering about things and you’ve got the gist of it. But Smoke-n-Pixels was shorter than Smoke-n-Pixels-n-Beer-n-Wood-n-More.

Yes, But Who Am I?
At my core, I am a designer. I like a fine typeface and a smart logo. But at times I find myself a little different than your standard designer. I find myself drawn more and more to efficiency and analytics.
I taught myself to code at a young age, over Christmas break one year in middle school if I remember correctly. Even my first foray into design involved programming. A friend and I spent a summer going through a book about generating 3D animation through code.
I cut my teeth on 3D Studio for DOS and went on to study modeling and animation during my time at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. Of course my time there was also spent on C++ and database administration. The graphics program there was split between Computer Science and Fine Arts.
After many, many sessions of Quake 3 and Counter-Strike, my roommate and I even set out to build a mod for Half-Life 2. He did code and I made models. For a time we both were going to pursue careers in game development. Life had different plans for the both of us, though.
After a short stint doing freelance animation I found myself as a staff designer at a design firm in Killeen, Texas. Many t-shirts were designed, and occasionally a website site or two just to scratch my coding itch. The last sixteen years have seen a progression from staff artist to art director. Now as the General Manager I find my analytical roots coming back out. Rather than finely tuning a layout or a block of type I tune the business to run it as efficiently as possible.
And Now?
My professional life now involves strategic planning and design leadership. Making the business run well on a day to day basis and offering guidance to our creative team. At home, it’s about doing things the that aren’t digital: an 18 hour brisket, homebrewed beer and making sawdust.